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Well, the year 2020 has certainly been a “mission”. When we signed up to Mission 2020 at the start of 2019 and pledged to remove all front of house single-use plastics, who could have predicted what the world would be currently facing?!

It has been a challenging year on many levels, but one success we can be proud of is our progress with eliminating such plastics, and reducing our overall environmental impact.

As well as working on our Mission 2020 pledge (see below), we have developed a comprehensive sustainability protocol that will guide Atmosphere’s efforts into the future. It goes beyond plastics and reaches out to cover broader environmental impacts, as well as cultural and socio-economic priorities (more info here).

To highlight these efforts with our guests, rooms now feature a prominent, wooden sustainability plaque laying out the steps we have taken to ensure sustainability and a luxury guest experience go hand in hand.

With 2020, and our mission, drawing to a close, we are hopeful that 2021 will bring around better times.

The whole team at Atmosphere wishes all our past and future guests well, hope they are staying safe, and we cannot wait to see you again soon!

Atmosphere’s pledge:

“At Atmosphere Resorts & Spa, we have already made great strides in limiting our environmental impact. By World Oceans Day 2020, we pledge to have eliminated front of house single-use plastics and will continue to expand our sustainability and awareness-raising efforts with our guests, suppliers and local community.”

Sustainability at Atmosphere on-room sign

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