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At Atmosphere we believe it is so important to look after our environment. Especially if we want our future generations to appreciate our beautiful dive sites. Witnessing our flourishing schools of fish and Apo’s incredible coral reefs on a daily basis is a privilege. Did you know one billion people in the world today rely on fishing from coral reefs for their main source of protein and livelihood? A lot of those people are in the Philippines.

Apo Island beach corals, Atmosphere resorts, Dauin, Philippines

Wherever you are in the world I’m sure you have been effected by increasing extreme weather patterns. Unfortunately it is places like the Philippines and other developing countries that have been and will continue to be effected the most. With stronger storms slamming our islands and causing disruption to some of our poorest people. Our shifting seasons and at times, the unbearable humidity in the cities. How can we ignore this issue any longer?

A Luxury Eco Resort, Philippines

Designer and Owner Matt, built Atmosphere Resorts with all of this in mind. Design features such as high ceilings and concrete walls help to keep the rooms cooler than outside. Eco-friendly AC units and solar panels were installed for all of our hot water. It is also the reason behind the dual flush toilets, power cut-off switches and why you won’t find water urinals across the resort.

Atmosphere Resorts Penthouse, Dauin, Eco Resort, Philippines.

During your stay you may notice other policies in place across the resort. Our salt water chlorinated pools and our refill shampoos and body wash are among some of them. We’d absolutely love your help as well. You can contribute by changing bed sheets and towels only when needed; refusing plastic straws wherever you are; limiting your AC temps to around 24 degrees; showering before entering the pools and more.

Eco Resort, Philippines salt water chlorinated Pool, Dauin"

Handmade Eco-Friendly Accessories

We stock local brands in our boutique such as Lumago Designs and Eco Vie. Both these social enterprises commit to protecting the environment. They employ local women to handcraft beautiful works of wearable art using recycled materials. Lumago also has an Online Store.

Upcycled accessories Lumago Designs and Eco Vie at Atmosphere Resorts, Philippines.

Remember, all of our small actions together can help to make a difference. You can see our Eco resort, Philippines Policy to find out more about what we do and how you can help.

Written by Becky Stanbridge

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One Comment

  • Rishikesh Yoga says:

    This is beautiful!! Love the way you have taken an effort to create an eco friendly atmosphere at your resort

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