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Coconut juice or ‘buko’, as it is locally known as here in the Philippines, is proving to be a trendy new health drink in the western world. From a recent trip to the US, I know it can set you back a few dollars for a small bottle, yet here in the Philippines we are lucky enough to have coconuts in abundance. In fact there are so many of them they are often considered a nuisance since they can be the cause of accidents when they fall from trees. As a result, many locals enjoy a quick run up a coconut tree (astonishing to any onlooker with their lithe agility and lack of fear for heights) to gather them. A great way to avoid the danger of being hit in the head by one and also to harvest them for consumption! Locally, coconuts are used for cooking, the young coconut provides a soft meat that can be added to shakes and stews whilst the older ones provide a harder meat that is pressed and strained to produce coconut milk.

Whilst the meat is quiet calorific, it is full of healthy fats and a rich source of many vitamins. The coconut juice or water on the other hand is a great natural rehydration drink. It is full of electrolytes and vitamin C, a refreshing thirst quenching drink on a hot day that also has many hidden benefits. Research has shown that coconut water is also good for ensuring healthy digestion and metabolism along with a healthy urinary tract and it is great for flushing out the kidneys. Studies also suggest that the cytokinins found in coconut water contain anti-aging properties. What more can you ask for from a drink?

Here at Atmosphere, Buko juice is a popular favorite amongst guests. Served inside its shell, it is a reminder you that you are in tropical paradise. For a twist on this natural nectar: On our health juice menu, we offer the ‘kidney cleanse’, a mixture of coconut water with cranberry and a mixture of spices such as cardamom and cinnamon, it is delicious and definitely worth a try. However, if you want something a little more sinful, our bar staff will be happy to whip up a Buko shake; a combination of coconut water, with the fresh meat, milk and ice-cream. A wonderful holiday indulgence!

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