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We have been very proud of our French boutique wine cellar for four years now at Atmosphere Resorts, but we have finally decided to go international. Rae tells you all about the exceptionally tough selection process…

France is known for its fantastic vineyards and production of good quality wines. For the last four years, our wine list at Atmosphere has been an exclusive mix of some of these great wines, receiving many compliments and lots of positive feedback.

However, with a clientele that is forever diversifying and the changing current trends in popularly sought after wines, we decided it was time we also broadened our horizons and adapted our wine menu to reflect these changes. We have included other regions and tried to design a wine menu that would have choices to suit every wine lover’s palate.

Matthew Holder, resort owner and “wannabe” wine connoisseur and myself, Rae Collins, the spa manager, got together over several sessions to discuss a new wine concept for the resort.  During this time, we had the tough job of sampling many of the shortlisted potentials; a job neither of us complained about!

With two distinctly different tastes in wine, we feel we have conceptualized a wonderful new array of wine selections which range from a couple of light crisp Sauvignon Blancs from the Marlborough region in New Zealand to a smooth silky South African Malbec. Other wines to appear on the revamped menu are selected from Australia, Chile and California, whilst we are also keeping a couple of our personal favorite French wines.

If you are a wine lover, we hope you that you will enjoy seeing what we now have to offer. If you are not fortunate enough to be in the resort right now, click on this wine menu.

When you arrive, ask our bar staff or one of the many managers to give you some recommendations. If you already know your stuff; feel free to browse our wine cellar for yourself.

Lastly, watch this space; wine flights will also soon appear on the menu, allowing guests to sample a selection of our top favorites. You never know, you may find your new personal favorite this way!


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