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There are many reasons why people chose to learn to dive; on top of the list is a desire to explore the underwater world and see the endless array of amazing marine life. Having been an avid diver and dive instructor for many years, I have seen my fair share of breathtaking pelagics and crazy macro critters and now I approach diving in a slightly unusual manner.

When I don my scuba equipment I do so as a means of escape. Descending beneath the oceans’ surface gives time to be alone with my thoughts, lost in a silent world where no one can really talk to you and nothing other than the occasional curious critter will bother you or plea for your attention. The silence is only broken by the periodic release of bubbles which when you listen can have a deeply calming meditative effect. You are suddenly reminded of the continuous cycle of breath that supports life. The slower and calmer you breathe, the more you relax and unwind.

meditation on the Atmosphere yoga platform

Along with the meditative effects of listening to oneself breathe, is the feeling of being suspended in the middle of the water column. To experience perfect neutral buoyancy gives the sensation of weightlessness, bringing with it a sense of releasing any cares or worries, feel nothing but lightness and freedom. For a whole new approach to diving next time you roll backwards into the ocean, take a moment to hover motionless and calmly count your breaths. Let nothing distract or disturb you and you will be amazed at how relaxed you begin to feel.


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