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Yoga with Tim Feldmann in the Philippines

One of the perks of working in a high end resort is that we sometimes have famous people come to visit. More often than not I am blissfully ignorant of who they are, but recently we were honored to have two famous Yogis come to stay. No surprises, but not only had I heard of them, not only had I hoped and planned to one day study with them, but they were individuals who have both been very inspirational to me. Tim Feldmann and Kino MacGregor are both well-known ashtangi’s in the yoga world, their recent trip here to the Philippines was to host a workshop in Manila, but whilst here they decided to combine it with a few nights stay at Atmosphere Resorts. Tim and Kino run Miami Life Center in Florida but also travel the world to share their passion for yoga.

Private yoga class with Tim Feldmann

What a true blessing that during their short time Tim Feldmann amiably agreed to teach a private yoga class for a few of us working at the resort. It was so different to be in the position of a student on the yoga platform that I am so accustomed to teaching on and standing eagerly in front of a highly inspirational teacher.

Tim Feldmann with Atmosphere's yoga teacher Rae Collins in Atmosphere Resort Philippines

The Primary Series with Tim Feldmann

My own yoga pathway has seen me traverse through different asana practices, from Sivananda; my roots as a yoga teacher, through a pathway of vinyasa flow and yin to finally embracing the Ashtanga eightfold pathway a number of years ago. Circumstantially and I like to think only temporarily, I have deviated from my classic ashtanga asana practice, with the pregnancy of my first son and his early years I have not been able to commit to an intense 2 hour daily practice. I still practice yoga daily but have toned down my asana practice to fit in with being a busy working mum. As an ashtangi at heart it was an honor to be taught by Tim; a direct student of Sri Pattabhi Jois. Not only that but to be back working with the primary series was like finding your comfy old slippers and sitting down with a cup of tea and some chocolate; familiar, enjoyable and fully satisfying.

Rylyn Ge, Ulrika Kroon and Rae Collins in a yoga class with Tim Feldmann at Atmosphere Resort Philippines

Ashtanga in my heart

Whilst I am in the second trimester of my second pregnancy I have realized if I leave my ego aside and not pressure myself into completing the whole primary series, I can easily enjoy a modified version of the ashtanga asana sequence that I have come to love so greatly. So my deep heart felt thanks to Tim Feldmann for reigniting the ashtanga fire within me and I look forward to adding some ashtanga to my yoga practice.

Rae Collins /Yoga Teacher and Spa Manager at Atmosphere Resorts & Spa

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