MarinelifeScuba Diving

Two “New” Frogfish!

I saw my first frogfish six years ago in Malapascua, Philippines. It was a giant frogfish, black of course, and I called it grumpy fish. I thought it was cool, and that was that. Fast forward a year later, this time in Oslob one island over, and I found my first frogfish on my own, this time a giant purple one. That was the exact moment I fell in love…
Daniel Geary
8th January 2018
Blue Ring Octopus, Atmosphere Resorts, Dauin PhilippinesMarinelifeScuba DivingUnderwater Sightings

The Best of Cephalopod Season

Critter life is quite seasonal here in Dauin. Whether its water temperature, wind, changes in underwater habitat, or other environmental factors, there are clear patterns and trends when it comes to fish and other critters. We love October here at Atmosphere because, not only is it octopus and cephalopod season, but it also has a nice ring to it – Octopus October. Truth be told, Octopus October is not entirely…
Daniel Geary
4th January 2018
MarinelifeScuba Diving

Photographing Frogfish

Although they can be difficult to find, frogfish are one of the best subjects for underwater photographers, especially beginners. They come in all different colors, all different sizes, and don't like to move around that much. Sometimes they are so camouflaged or hidden that the resulting photograph is cluttered, boring, or makes it hard to even see where they are. Luckily, there are plenty of techniques when photographing them that…
Daniel Geary
27th October 2017
MarinelifeScuba Divingunderwater photo

To Snoot or not to Snoot

To snoot or not to snoot? That is the question. The more important question is – what is a snoot? Many of you have seen this word floating around on the internet, either with my photographs or many other photographs that are popping up on underwater photography groups, but what exactly is it, and why is using a snoot so popular? My normal camera setup with my snoot ready to…
Daniel Geary
5th October 2017
MarinelifePADI CoursesScuba Divingunderwater photo

The History of Frogfish

Although frogfish are relatively well known critters to divers in the Indo-Pacific, photographers, and muck divers, that has not always been the case. Stories of frogfish and their accompanying drawings and sketches have existed for hundreds of years, with encounters spanning the globe. The first ever documented frogfish encounter comes from Brazil. At some point before 1630, a drawing was given to the director of the Dutch West India Company.…
Daniel Geary
19th September 2017