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At Atmosphere Resorts & Spa in Dauin, Philippines, we’re lucky to be surrounded by some of the world’s most stunning marine environments. But with this privilege comes a responsibility to protect the ocean we love so much. As a diver, you have a unique opportunity to make a real impact beneath the surface. That’s why we’re proud to support PADI AWARE’s 10 Tips to Save the Ocean—a guide for divers who want to ensure their actions help preserve our underwater world. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, these tips can empower you to be a steward of the sea and contribute to marine conservation during every dive.

1. Be Ocean AWARE

“Understand the significant role the ocean plays, and the key threats facing the marine environment.”

At Atmosphere our in-house marine biologist, Reiss, teaches and promotes marine biology and conservation in many ways. Workshops and courses focusing on our incredible marine life and critters are in high demand! Marine life presentations are held several evenings per week giving guests an insight into the incredible critters of Dauin, the history of Apo Island and other interesting topics. Reiss is always happy to chat about the ocean and spread his passion and knowledge to our guests!

In-house marine biologist Reiss giving a marine life presentation

Reiss, our in-house marine biologist, gives regular marine life presentations for our guests

2. Take Action

“Divers are the underwater eyes of the world, strong advocates and marine stewards. Every action, big or small, matters.”

We recognise that divers have a unique perspective as the “eyes beneath the surface.” Use this role to make a difference — during your stay with us, why don’t you join one of our regular beach clean-ups or underwater clean-up dives? Every small action counts, from reducing plastic use to supporting sustainable seafood choices. Your everyday decisions can directly affect the health of the ocean.

3. Respect Wildlife

“Practice role-model behaviour. Do not touch, feed or chase marine life.”

During your dives with us, please keep a safe distance and observe the marine life without interference. Don’t touch, feed, or chase them, as it can cause stress and disrupt their natural behaviours. Use ethical diving practices and help set a positive example for others by advocating for responsible wildlife interaction.

A photo of a greater blue ringed octopus with a diver in the background in Dauin, Philippines

Always be respectful of marine life. Photo by Daniel Norwood

4. Be a Buoyancy Expert

“Practice skilful buoyancy to prevent harm to fragile marine ecosystems.”

Mastering buoyancy is essential for protecting the underwater environment, especially when muck diving! Poor buoyancy control can lead to accidental contact with delicate coral reefs, disturbing sediment, or harming marine life. By developing precise buoyancy skills, you can move more freely, conserve energy, and reduce the risk of damaging fragile ecosystems.

Why don’t you enrol in a PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course during your stay with us? Our talented dive instructors will make you a buoyancy expert in no time!

5. Practice Responsible Imaging

“Support conservation through accurate and respectful storytelling.”

If you take photos or videos underwater, do so in a way that promotes marine conservation. Avoid disturbing marine life to get a shot, and be mindful of your surroundings. Responsible imaging captures the beauty of the ocean while raising awareness about the importance of preserving it. Accurate storytelling through images can inspire others to protect these environments.

6. Leave Only Bubbles Take Only Trash

“Leave no trace, and make a positive impact in the places you explore. ”

This simple act not only helps keep the ocean clean but also protects marine life from ingesting or becoming entangled in the waste. Make a habit of leaving a positive impact wherever you dive. At Atmosphere we offer the PADI AWARE Dive Against Debris specialty, where you can learn how to collect critical survey data from any or every dive. Contribute to citizen science and help rid the ocean of trash!

Divers carrying a discarded fishing net out of the water

Take the Dive Against Debris Specialty with us! Photo by RTS Images

7. Become a Citizen Scientist

“Monitor and restore critical marine habitats to advance marine research.”

The Institute for Marine Research (IMR) is a grassroots non-profit organization based in Dauin, which focuses on long-term research to protect coastal marine ecosystems. Join IMR in their mission to educate, transform, and encourage local marine conservation strategies. Co-founded by the owners of Atmosphere Resorts & Spa, IMR offers multiple ways for you to get involved and make a difference.

We recently collaborated with IMR to give Atmosphere guests the chance to take part in a coral restoration dive with one of IMR’s marine biologists. Plant your own coral fragments and become a citizen scientist!

Divers attaching a coral fragment to an artificial reef

Join our weekly coral restoration dive with IMR!

8. Be an Ecotourist

“Choose facilities with responsible social and environmental business practices.”

Support businesses that are committed to environmentally responsible practices. Whether you’re choosing a dive operator, resort, or tour guide, look for those that prioritize sustainability, minimize their ecological footprint, and engage in conservation initiatives. By choosing responsible tourism, you contribute to the long-term health of the marine environment.

At Atmosphere we make it our mission to be sustainable and reduce our ecological footprint. Inside the resort we have no plastic water bottles, no disposable containers on the breakfast buffet, and all of our straws are made of non-plastic compostable material. All of our hot water is heated using solar power and we provide power cut-off switches for the rooms. For more information about our sustainability efforts at Atmosphere, click here.

Re-usable waterbottles

We give re-usable water bottles to all of our guests to use during their stay

9. Give Back

“Volunteer, donate or fundraise to protect what you love. ”

Find ways to contribute to ocean conservation through your time, money, or skills. Volunteering for beach or underwater clean-ups during your stay at Atmosphere, donating to ocean-related charities, or fundraising for marine research are all ways to make a lasting difference. Protecting the ocean requires collective effort, and your involvement helps amplify the impact. For information on how you can donate to the Institute for Marine Research, visit their donation page here.

10. Join Us

“Take the Ocean Torchbearer pledge and stay informed.”

Take the Ocean Torchbearer pledge, joining a global movement of people dedicated to ocean protection. Stay informed about ocean conservation efforts and spread the word to your community. By committing to this movement, you’ll be part of a larger effort to safeguard the future of the marine environment.

PADI AWAREs 10 tips to save the ocean

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