MarinelifeScuba Diving

The Humble Sea Cucumber

The humble sea cucumber is not a marine creature which gets a lot of love. Although, spend a few minutes reading up on them and you’ll discover they’re quite the creature with plenty of hidden secrets! Closely related to starfish within the group “Echinoderms”, sea cucumbers have diverged from the 5 fold symmetry of a starfish to a single, cucumber-like, body. With over 1,250 different species, sea cucumbers can be…
Kirsty Richards
20th May 2019
Whale shark in Oslob Philippines with AtmosphereExploreUnderwater Sightings

Swimming with whale sharks at Oslob: To go or not to go?

In my role as Atmosphere’s Marine Biologist, a common question I get asked is “the whale sharks at Oslob, should we go even though they feed them?” My previous work involved researching shark diving, shark behaviour and, as one of my favourite things to do is dive with sharks, I feel I’m in a fair position to delve into a conversation about this potentially contentious subject with our guests. There…
Kirsty Richards
25th March 2019

The New Year brings a few new rates

We have turned the page to 2019 and it is time for us to adjust a few of our rates. Room rates stay the same with the exception of our renovated Garden Apartments with their indoor/outdoor bathrooms and walk-in closets, where we have increased the rate per night from 13000 PHP to 14000 PHP for two guests including breakfast and airport shuttle. Our dives that still include Nitrox are now…
Ulrika Kroon
1st February 2019
Mission 2020 is a platform for organisations from the global dive community to come together and pledge to change their practises to help protect and conserve our oceans by World Oceans Day 2020Sustainability

Mission 2020 – An environmental challenge for 2019… and beyond!

Here at Atmosphere Resorts & Spa, we are conscious of our environmental impact and have made great strides in limiting any negative effects we may be having on the beautiful environment around us. For 2019 we have decided to challenge ourselves further and have signed up to Mission 2020. Initiated by Fourth Element, Mission 2020 is a platform for organisations from the global dive community to come together and pledge to…
Kirsty Richards
27th January 2019

The Garden Apartments get a fabric face lift

When we opened our latest room type, the Premium Suite, we wanted to go that extra mile to make the textiles and color schemes easy on the eye, current, luxurious and at the same time eco-friendly. Not an easy task but we love how they turned out, so with the renovation of our Garden Apartments, we decided to go with the same recycled textiles from Anthill but in a different…
Ulrika Kroon
15th January 2019