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A Plastic-Free Atmosphere

In 2019 we joined Mission 2020, an online platform created by Fourth Element, for dive organisations to publicly pledge to do something positive for the environment by World Oceans Day 2020 (8th June). We pledged for a plastic-free Atmosphere:

At Atmosphere Resorts & Spa, we have already made great strides in limiting our environmental impact. By World Oceans Day 2020, we pledge to have eliminated front of house single-use plastics and will continue to expand our sustainability and awareness raising efforts with our guests, suppliers and local community.

No plastic bottles

This has led us to create single-use plastic free minibars, tea and coffee making facilities, as well as toiletries. We do not provide plastic straws or toothbrushes, instead offering natural bamboo alternatives.

No plastic water or soda bottles are available on site, guests are provided with reusable aluminium bottles on arrival, and large refillable water containers within their rooms.

We are proud to say that we reached our goal and that we keep improving by eliminating most back-of-house single-use plastic to this day.

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